알고리즘 종류. (공부해야할 것들.)

2011. 7. 28. 22:44머리쓰기/알고리즘

selection sort


bubble sort


merge sort


quick sort


insertion sort


topological sort


sequential search


interpolation search


binary search



Gaussian Elimination



LU Decomposition


Horner's Rule

binary exponential



Brute force


Divide and conquer


Decrease and conquer

decrease by a constant

decrease by a constant factor

virable size decrease


Transform and conquer


Representation change



closet - pair




knapsack problem


assignment problem


a' la Russe


fake coin problem


josephus problem


selection problem(quick sort의 반쪽)


Nim game

'머리쓰기 > 알고리즘' 카테고리의 다른 글

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알고리즘.  (0) 2011.06.30